Friday, October 26, 2007

Breaking into Magazines

Breaking into magazines, presented by David Levy of Wright College, had one focus and one focus alone: The query letter.

We were given a hand-out with step-by-step instructions on the query letter as well as when to send it, who to send it to, how to promote our story, etc. This was useful for me because if creative writing does not work out I wanted to try a career in magazines and had, sadly, no knowledge of the query letter.

David Levy offered lots of useful information and repeated two phrases I have heard again and again at this conference "KNOW the magazine inside and out before you send an article" and "Buy The Writer's Market."

He gently reassured us that we would be making zero to negative amounts of money, but that the goal was to be published. Another remark I have heard quite a bit of this week.


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