Friday, October 26, 2007

How to Write Visually

I was really impressed by this session, which was held at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning. After my long day of traveling with only 3 hours of sleep (thank you, Current Sauce), I was surprised by how lively I was for this first session.

The main idea of the session was to describe how good photography and writing are similar. The lecturers, Brian Poulter and Joe Gisondi from Eastern Illinois University, went through the hierarchy of photography and described them in terms of writing.

1. Informational- This is the foundation of any news story. It is the inverted pyramid and facts without flavor.

2. Graphic information- This is where details are observed and described. Certain items are used to focus the story and create a picture in a person's mind. Reporting was defined as the "fine art of hanging out."

3. Emotional writing- This captures the feel and emotion of a story. The main factor of this sense of writing is to get the reader to react(laugh, cry, become angry, etc.) The speakers emphasized speaking to other people about the focus person to find personal facts about them.

4. Intimate writing- This is the hardest form of writing. It takes the reader to a place that is rarely seen. In order to capture an intimate portrait of a person, one must ask questions like, "what were you thinking about at that time?" and create a relationship with the subject.

This was definitely my favorite session of the day.

Kera Simon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming to our session.

Joe and I are very happy (and now pleased with ourselves beyond belief).