Friday, October 26, 2007

Coaching like a Peer

This is a close tie with "how to write visually" for my favorite of the day. This adviser is awesome. Her name is Kenna Griffin from Oklahoma City University. She gave some very helpful tips.

Ok, we have a microwave in the office; why not a refrigerator? Her first suggestion was to use food. We're in college and love to eat. It is a great social tool. She also suggested using the staff
meetings to teach(which we do sometimes, but not every meeting b/c people get very antsy).

She also thought it was very important that people know the hierarchy of the newsroom. She suggested making a chart, which I will next semester. It is also important to reward publicly. This enforced my idea for a "star reporter," which I'd like to start next semester.

It's also important not to gossip about your staff. This is important, but hard to do.

It is also important that people on the staff understands the "greater purpose" of the paper. I don't want to preach, but I should remind people that this newspaper affects those who read it and who are written about. It is distributed to the community and can be used for potential employers.

She even gave us some hand-outs that are given to beginning reporters. It is an awesome tool that we can use to base our teaching materials on. I loved it!

Kera Simon

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