Friday, October 26, 2007

Making Your Type Rock.

I’ve noticed that every design/layout session I’ve attended (or tried to) is overflowing beyond the limits of fire safety. This typography seminar was no exception. Tracy Collins of the Arizona Republic was smart about showing a snazzy PowerPoint but not turning off all of the lights for the 9 a.m. session. This man has clearly done this before.

In addition to the nifty presentation, Collins had a double-sided handout, with lots of color and well-laid text on glossy paper. Again, this man knows what people like to see.

Collins is an advocate of kerning (essentially: jiggering with the space between letters). I could fuss with kerning all the live long day, which is why I would be a horribly inefficient layout editor. He also advised that there comes a time when you will need to convey drama, so keep a drama font in your arsenal, along with one that shows elegance or pizazz.

I wouldn't have to do THIS so often if I had a drama font.

Dr. Lee

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