Friday, October 26, 2007

The daily grind: how to feed the machine without being ground up

This was the first session I went to on Thursday morning. Although we aren't a daily paper, I thought it would be helpful to hear any tips to improve the paper without getting too stressed out.

The speaker gave some good tips, and some of which we had already done. She suggested changing the look of the paper, and we've learned this semester that it definitely works. Even if the writing or the types of stories are no different than previous years, it looks different, so students tend to pick it up more than the same boring paper they saw all last year.

Something she suggested that I'd like to change is to make our editors' meeting longer, so we can do more brainstorming. I'd also like to meet with each reporter when I give him or her a story to discuss different angles and contacts. Then, I'd like to take the time to meet with the reporter after I receive the story to discuss corrections, changes, questions and affirmations. This will take a lot more time, but I think it will pay off in the end.


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