Thursday, October 25, 2007

We made it!

Although I was excited to arrive in DC, getting here was not a process that I was excited about.

Jim, Mary and I were originally expected to arrive in DC late Wednesday night, however we managed to finagle our way on the stand-by lists for two flights. We actually arrived earlier than the rest of the group and avoided a four-hour layover in Dallas.

Upon the reunion of the group, we boarded the Metro. Dr. Lee warned us that rush hour might cause chaos while riding, so we prepared ourselves for the massive crowd of commuters. I now know what salmon feel like in their migration up-stream.

We finally came to our stop on the Metro where we headed towards the hotel, walking the four longest blocks of my life.... In the rain. Toting suitcases and covered by umbrellas, I can only imagine the sight we were to the locals -- a horde of student journalists accompanied by the roar of rolling bags and obnoxious umbrellas. Look out, DC! NSU IS HERE!

-- Lauren Sciba

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